

Random captions whenever I get a wild hair to make them. No schedule or consistent pattern.

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Kamala Harris, Will of the People

When Vice President Kamala Harris jumped up to the 2024 presidential nominee, the news sent shockwaves through American society. Progressives dove straight into supporting her after half a year's discomfort with President Biden, raising record-breaking amounts in fundraisers for her campaign. Conservatives groused about the unfairness of it all, having built their strategy and merchandise around Biden and having to switch tactics. Pairing that with the good dad Tim Walz as her VP pick next to Trump's choice of inept couch fucker JD Vance, and everything looked like smooth sailing for her potential win.

That changed when news outlets like New York Times and CNN decided on making their desires for a Trump win more overt. Every other piece they published found ways to make Trump out to be a martyr and savior, ignoring his racism and declining mental state, while sowing doubt into Harris' prospects and trying to sway her thinking to suit them. Many of their puff pieces waxed pompous about what she must do to win them over, framing her as an elitist for not catering to their every desire.

No, she did not begin to lose her voter share with these questions. Few people who planned to vote for her ever cared what they had to say. Unfortunately, one person integral to her campaign very much did: Kamala Harris herself.

She started so well. She opened her campaign boldly, insisting she would fight Trump and his wave of fascism in the polls while ignoring those who sought to diminish her. It sounded great in theory, but then her desperation kicked in. She wanted those big donor bucks. She wanted those puff pieces to shift gears. And so, eager to please these pundits and companies, she met with them in earnest - despite some deep part of her knowing full well nothing would ever be enough to satisfy them.

Israel wanted to genocide, and with its powerful lobby in the U.S., she quickly towed the line of sending weapons for Israel's supposed protection. When faced with a desire for fracking, she solidly stated she wouldn't ban it. And when the tech lobby of Amazon, Google and their kind griped about getting reined in by FTC chair Lina Khan, she met with their top execs and assured them she would be 'pragmatic' in her choices once elected.

None of this shifted their flow of money, or stopped the news pieces criticizing her for everything from her border wall policy to what she ate for dinner. Yet she wouldn't stop. So after a much deeper assessment of what would please these players, it became clear exactly what a woman of her standing had to offer.

She arrived on The View wearing one of her dark gray jackets. The show normally had a round table discussion setting, where its guests shared their views and shed light on their politics. This episode would be much different, as she ran over to the camera and started unbuttoning that jacket.

"If I get elected, I'm going to have a Republican in my cabinet," she said. "That's one of the biggest differences between Joe Biden and me. I'm a pragmatist, I won't stand if the way of a good idea."

Her open jacket, normally with a black shirt behind it, offered a different view this time. Straight down the middle, those watching could see her bare midriff. The tease of skin showed a creamy complexion normally expected of someone younger. It drew attention as her hands went down to her pants.

"But that's not all. As Vice President, I learned that you need to meet the other side in the middle. If a company wants to gouge the public on prices, you offer to give them government money to keep those prices low. If Republicans say some people aren't real Americans and ask for concentration camps, you find a way to deport them to countries like Mexico if they're Hispanic or Iran if they're Arab. Being President is all about negotiating for an outcome that may not please everyone but will be enough for all parties to accept."

The pants and panties went down, showing her hairy bush. Then the jacket slid off, revealing not even a bra or pasties, her bare tits fully out and hard with the studio's cool air conditioned space. Her team had made it a point to ensure the temperature went low enough to make her nipples perky even if she was fighting the urge to shiver with the cold.

"It's not easy. I have to swallow loads of outcomes I don't agree with every day, but that's what leadership means for me."

Then she reached behind her, and visibly winced while pulling something literally from her ass. Its purpose became clear when she raised it into view and clipped it around her neck. The dog collar fit perfectly above her beaded pearl necklaces, complete with multiple dog tags dangling from them. Her hands gestured for the camera to move closer, and as it zoomed in, the writing became more apparent.

Her first, most obvious tag in the shape of an elephant and colored blue bore a new nickname: KAMMY. Its impersonal nature sapped all authority from her name, in a bid to be 'personable' and 'relatable' as an answer to the many puff pieces insisting she came off too distant and elitist for the average voter. Finally, they had something nice and friendly to call her.

Her second tag took on a top hat shape, the words BOUGHT AND PAID embossed on its shiny silver surface. It was an answer to her corporate mega donors and tech moguls looking to her for a shift away from the government's current path of consequences for their actions.

The third had a gushing oil rig and the words DRILL THIS. The innuendo, those closest to her assured her, would please both the oil companies and a particular brand of sexist who didn't quite like the idea of a woman leading the country. Her fourth had a pink baby crib and the words BARE AND LOATHING IT, suggesting regret for failing to birth her own offspring before menopause hit. Like any other president, yet bearing a cunt and having not put it to good use seemed to upset just enough Republican voters that she knew she needed to assuage them with this too late apology for not ending up barefoot and pregnant some time in her life.

Her fifth and final tag didn't have the uniqueness of her others, but it sent its own far worse message. It was a rabies tag. The blue rosette design ensured all knew it by sight, while the 2024 up top, hospital details in the middle and five digits below confirmed it as no mere prop. She had truly gone to a vet - not a doctor, not a specialist, an honest to god vet - and herself vaccinated for rabies.

Fully expecting doubt, the screen behind Kamala started playing a video of her in the vet's exam room. The audience, both at home and live in the studio, watched this footage of a completely nude Kamala Harris getting thoroughly inspected by the vet. Rubber gloved hands groped her big black tits, stuffed themselves into her pussy, dispassionately felt around in and on her while she looked into the camera with a giant grin that occasionally faltered to the sensations accosting her. An angle switch placed the view squarely at her ass in a split screen, the other half showing her reaction as a needle punctured that fine cheek.

"Oof!" The Kamala on screen winced and recovered. "You sure aren't gentle, but that's okay, I can take it. I'm running for president after all, I need to be ready for worse than this."

The video stopped, returning to the logo for The View.

"For those of you wondering, yes, I got a perfect bill of health. I even got a treat for being such a good girl."

The studio audience laughed at her self-deprecating joke, eliciting and even wider smile from the Democratic nominee. Then, she got to the ground, laid on her back, raised her arms and legs and curled her hands and fingers downward. Her thighs parted, leaving her in a pose familiar to all dog owners. She was showing her belly. In her ultimate act of submissiveness, she made herself prone and exposed the weakest, most sensitive spots on her body.

"They say you shouldn't take things lying down in politics, but that's the language of conflict. As president, I will roll over and take it any way my opponents want if it means finding a way forward. I'm not just saying this, either. We asked our audience to submit their voting record before the show. Of those who gave it, we determined to staunchest Republican. I'd like to invite them on stage now to do anything they want to me."

Applause followed a man, conveniently hooded for his protection. Details appeared on screen of the stage's background.

John, 32, Utah, White, Repub., mechanic. Like the focus groups for New York Times, these tidbits of information were meant to personalize him from an anonymous blank slate and demonstrate how his views and actions represented voters just like those live and at home. He was their proxy, doing what so many others wish they could. Which meant that when he reached her and put his boot on her hairy pussy, he was representing America and all its freedoms.

"Don't be shy," Kammy said.

John wasn't. With his rough and filthy treads, he dirtied up her cunt while forcing pleasure on her that made her thighs quake. Noticing this reaction, he took it off, repositioned himself and set his booth on one of her giant boobs instead. He dug it in from heel to toe, brief lifts when he got to each end's extreme showing the telltale vivid markings in jagged lines of guaranteed contact. Their thickness and darkness matched the amount of pressure he placed on that tit.

"That's a little rOUGH, John," Kammy said. She got louder mid-sentence when her choice to speak earned her even more of his weight against her lone boob as punishment. She caught her grimace to the sensation and flipped it, compensating for her brief lapse in judgment by smiling still wider. "But that's okay. You're just making your views known, and that's what America's all about. In what other country can you express your views of the Vice President so openly? It's your God-given right, and as president, I promise to let every American speak their mind directly to me just like John."

When she gamed this out, Kamala Harris expected her fealty to satisfy the Republican in swift order. That didn't happen. Emboldened by Kamala's willingness to get literally stepped on, John undid his pants and whipped out his growing rock hard dick. He hunched over, aiming downward, jacking off with his hard-on inches away from the Vice President's face. The stench of precum hit her nose but she persisted in feigned joy at his actions, talking into the camera further.

"That's why, on my first day as President, I will start a new initiative called Will of the People. Whether it's sharing your thoughts about climate change, letting me know I'm a whore when you see me on the street, or stopping in my office to play with my breasts before the start of your work day, I will provide ample opportunities for Americans to express themselves with me. As president, I will make every effort to reach across the aisle and satisfy every citizen in this country. A vote for Kammy is a vote in favor of the Will of the People."

The studio audience took to this with more applause, right as John jizzed all over Kammy. She flinched on impact but went back to her practiced routine seconds later. With cum oozing across her forehead and down her cheeks, Kammy spotted John's hand moving toward her mouth just in time to open it and get her reward: a milk bone. She chomped quickly when it hit her tongue, ignoring its chalky taste and grainy texture.

As John zipped up and walked off, she awaited the next Republican present to make their voice heard.

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