

Random captions whenever I get a wild hair to make them. No schedule or consistent pattern.

Felicia Day, Glorified Booth Babe - pt 1

Felicia Day thought she was invited to the Fallout relaunch event as a special guest. Little did she know, its organizer had a special plan in mind for the famous geek girl. That plan went into action the moment she slipped on her headphones. Ears locked into the sweet sounds and music of New Vegas, Felicia heard none of the real world around her as she picked up her controller. It was only when she locked her eyes on the monitor and started playing that Jack, the mastermind of this operation, slipped in.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Jack said. "Please direct your attention to our gaming kiosk for a demonstration from our glorified booth babe, Felicia Day!"

A crowd gathered round, Jack's pithy insult flying under the radar... for now. The industry moved fast. So fast, that nobody remembered way back in the ancient times of 2012 when another man called Felicia exactly the same thing. Back then, that man ignited a firestorm of complaints. But someone was watching. Waiting. Imagining when he could revisit the scandal and turn it into something more.

Tonight was that night. Eager to move forward, he hastily slapped a Fallout sticker to the back of Felicia's shirt to help her fit in with the real booth babes. She hardly budged, too engrossed in the game to notice. Truth be told, he would have preferred putting on her chest, but didn't want to risk the nerd icon catching on.

It didn't stop him from sneakily adding a Nuka Cola pin to one of her shirt straps though. Or after a few testing touches, snapping on a couple Fallout-style bottle cap earrings only visible when her hair wasn't in the way. Stroking Felicia's long red strands, Jack took the role of dutiful host while Felicia provided the unwitting entertainment.

"Wow, this is really hard!" Felicia exclaimed loudly, thanks in large part to how muffled her own voice sounded through all the padding.

"This is our easiest setting," Jack announced to some amused chuckles. "We've actually dumbed it down to bring in people who've never played games before. I guess you can't expect much from a booth babe pretending to be a gamer."

It was all lies, of course. Jack made sure he had the game's difficulty ratcheted up to its highest level before Felicia got on. But their audience didn't know that. To them, her constant struggle to thread the needle of character death made her a newbie who hardly knew how to play. This vision persisted as her character took a fatal blow and collapsed.

"GRR! I can't believe I fell for that," she growled.

"It's okay, Felicia. You can't help it if you suck at games. A for effort though."

He smacked her ass to 'encourage' her. Surprisingly, she did nothing. No angry tirades at Jack, or confused and disgusted glances backward. That was the wonderful thing about distracting her with a shiny object of a video game. She accepted a couple more hard swats for good measure, appearing for all the world like she enjoyed it - and Jack's running comments - as a smile crept across her face.

"Felicia will be around all night if you want to watch her. I wouldn't waste any time talking to her or asking her questions since she obviously doesn't know anything, but she sure is nice to look at, isn't she? Let's hear it for our glorified booth babe!"

Polite spurts of applause erupted as much of the crowd dispersed. Loaded as it was with reporters and reviewers, Jack awaited tomorrow's headlines. Better yet, he had one more stunt he could pull to help those articles along. Tapping Felicia's arm and lifting one of the headphones finally got her attention.

"Hey, Felicia, can we get a few publicity shots of you? It would really help our marketing."

She nodded and turned toward the camera. Posing for the photo, she did her best to ignore the sounds in her ears and rumbling in her hands of her character taking another beating on the screen behind her.

"So, Felicia," Jack asked as a few lingering reporters took notes. "How do you feel about how we've treated you tonight?"

"Oh, it's been perfect," she cluelessly answered.

"Would you do this again?"

"Absolutely. I wish every event I went to was like this."

She took the bait. Now all he had to do was get plenty of sexy pictures to help him sell this image of her to the public. Luckily, he had all night.

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